Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Goodbye 2016

This year has been a year of many emotions.

New Years of 2016- I did not get a kiss at midnight, nor wake up the next day knowing that this year would be my year.  I had no expectations.  I had had one of the roughest 2015s and didn't want to count my eggs before they hatched so to speak. I walked into this year with people that I thought were my friends. Screaming "Happy New Year" to strangers in Downtown Orlando. I danced in the street to music from a club that wanted 25.00 per person to get into, which I refused to pay.  I left these people and went home to my mother's couch. Yes, I walked into this year living on a couch, dazed and confused.. pacing back and forth mentally wondering where this year was going to take me.  

I filed for divorce in January.  Mentally and emotionally tired and not truly ready for that step, I walked off my job and just did it. It was for the best for both of us.  We strongly disliked each other at the time and anything else would have been unhealthy, toxic and one of us would have woken up dead.  I thought I had it all mapped out considering this year was the year of 9.  A year of old endings and fresh beginnings. It was something I told myself everyday to make it easier to just let go. And it worked.  I let go, we both did. 

I moved on. I covered an old tattoo of my ex's name. I traveled a bit.  Made new friends. Dropped a few. Learned more about myself.  Found meditation, crystals and gem stones and a deep love of meditation.  I learned that I can be as creative as I want.  I paint pictures, made headboards, started this blog, planned a few events and watched as I grew into the Kween I called myself everyday.  This year was a year of saying goodbye to old friendships, loves, family members and old ways of thinking. I got happy in finding me and discarding anything that did not make me happy. This was my HAPPIEST MOMENT OF 2016! Finding myself and don't worry, I'm still learning myself EVERYDAY! I love me.

At my LOWEST point in 2016, I attempted to commit suicide.  I honestly lost it.  I was tired of drama, games, fake friends and people that told you they loved you only when it was convenient.  I had a really bad day and I thought that taking myself out would be the only way to stop the pain, the thoughts and the emotions buried deep inside of me.  I did not want attention or anyone to fell bad for me. Selfishly, it was about me and the thoughts that I couldn't stop.  Spending 3 days in the mental hospital, made me miss the fireworks on the fourth of July. Three meals a day, visitation from 630-745 and the thought of actually going crazy replaying your issues and noticing that you need to fix your damn self.  I also learned that mental institutions do not really help others. There is no doctor asking about deep rooted issues or caring about why you're going through things..  He is literally there to give you meds and on the third day let you go home (if you tell them you've learned from your mistakes.)  When I got out of the hospital; I lost my job, my place to live and just about every piece of respect I had gained for myself. It was hard.  I couldn't understand how I managed to get that low and after a month of taking anti depressants off and on, I flushed them down the toilet.  I had to change the people and situations I had allowed myself to be around.. There was nothing mentally wrong with me.  

I cried a lot this year and at times didn't know if I would make it or not. But I'm still here. I laugh at all of the things I've experienced this year. It's almost comical. But I am better because of it. I am walking out of 2016 knowing what I want to do with life (event planning), with a new job and better clarity on the family and friends that I want to take into 2017 with me. 

Thank you but goodbye 2016.  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Recovering Blame Shifter

“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” 

I am a recovering blame shifter. 
I would find every reason imaginable why my current circumstances, thoughts, feelings, emotions were not my fault. It was my mother's fault for being too tough on me, father's fault for never being a real dad, the school's fault for never providing me with a quality education, the world's fault because it "JUST WASN'T FAIR!" Nothing could have been the result of my actions because I never chose to be put on this earth anyway. 

The truth is, the past is what makes you into the person that better handles your future. Everyone wasn't born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  Some of us were born with no spoon or maybe a plastic one. Either way, once you learn the truth of your life... it's up to you to change it.  Maybe as a kid, you were placed up for adoption, molested, raped, had children early, homeless, maybe you tried to commit suicide, or dropped out of school.. maybe this WAS your life. But the top two questions that I always ask myself are: "Is that all that I want to be?  When people ask for my story, do I want to stop at the horrible shit or do I want to tell them how I am coming/came from nothing?!"  Maybe asking yourself this question, listening to TedTalks or reading and listening to the stories of Barack Obama, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Jill Scott, Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Will Smith, Jim Carey, Tyler Perry, or your parents (to name a few) could help. All of those who started off as "no one" and ended up being bigger and better than they ever thought imaginable.  I have learned that when you stop focusing on "then", deal with the things that hold you back, it allows you to see how your "now" could be forever changed. 

I am not currently where I want to be in life, I have goals and dreams bigger than the universe and it scares me at times. But if I wouldn't have experienced the things that I did, choose to overcome them and try my damnest to move forward in life, I would still be the grown little girl blaming everyone else for her problems. While I sat around watching everyone else graduate from college, start businesses, start families, buy homes and travel.. I would have spent all of my time wondering how they could win when they've done so much wrong??  Instead of living to my greatest potential using what they taught me (good or bad) as a stepping stone, I would be in the same spot.. bitter and angry because they did what I THOUGHT I couldn't. 

For 2017, I want to be like those that I idealize but in my own way. I want to understand that my past made me into the woman I am today, and then grow into a better person because of it. It's not always about the hand you're dealt, it's how you play the game. 

Let's play! 

-Light & Love