Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Random Thoughts... #OnPurpose

Life is an amazing, beautiful, dope ass journey.
(deep sigh) And I'm surviving it!

It's been a journey that has left me on the side of the road, drunken, full of my own tears screaming at God. 
Life has also loved me in my roughest, toughest of moments.
Life has been a single wet tear sliding across my cheeks at the sound of my daughter's first cry.
Life has been whispering "I love you" to a man who I'd never believe was possible and hearing him whisper it back. 
Life has been watching my mother go from a vibrant, young, healthy woman to watching her began to walk with a cane to do the simplest tasks of life.
Life has been spiritually running from organized religion and learning that there is a God within that man could never take away.
Life has been the fucking shit of shit and only gets better everyday, after getting worse.

A true testament to the woman I am and the woman I will become can be seen through my eyes.

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